Alice wouldn’t recognize this Wonderland!

So Chick-fil-A’s COO is asked some questions, the answers to which I’m willing to bet a few bob are pretty much common knowledge. One of the answers has turned into a firestorm of vitriol. The Cathy family are what I would describe as “Hard shell Baptists” who adhere to the word of the Bible and, surprise, surprise, they don’t fall all over themselves to gush over gay marriage. Now every half-wit and Hollywood has-been and wanna-be has come out denouncing the Chick-fil-A corporation as “Evil Incarnate.” What Dan Cathy thinks about marriage is of no concern to me. What he puts in his sandwiches IS a concern to me. He does make one helluva spicy chicken sandwich (personal favorite).

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is proceeding to show what an ass he is by adamantly condemning Chick-fil-A. He has now joined the rank of Urban Meddler in chief, Nanny Bloomingidiotberg in attempting to dictate what may and may not be sold in “his” city. Down South, we have known for quite some time that the Cathy family members were “Bible-thumpers” from way back. They close shop on Sunday literally for Christ’s sake! Bloomingidiotberg, Minimindino! Go away! Reorganize your closets, your sock drawers, and your underwear drawers. Leave the rest of us alone. We can figure it out for ourselves

Tragically, last week a looney tune wrought death and injury on an unsuspecting public. Immediately after it was reported, the usual cast of useful and useless idiots were abroad voicing their opinions on gun control and naming all the right wingers who were directly responsible for the attack. One of the comments that piqued my interest was made by President Obama. He said that he has 2 daughters who like to go to the movies and he feared for them. I would call this factoid to the President’s attention: The girls would be accompanied by their Secret Service detail and another James Holmes would be lucky to get one shot off before he would be double tapped. End of story.

Think back to the Internet Cafe in Florida that was assaulted and trashed by a couple of would be thugs. Seems that a 70+ year old patron didn’t take to kindly to his computer time being disrupted so he pulled out his pistol and popped off a few shots – one shot striking one of the thugs in a very fleshy region. Please make note: The police are reactive and not proactive. Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but they usually arrive after the fact to clean up the mess. Not everybody who owns a firearm is a homicidal maniac just waiting for the next opportunity to shoot up a movie theater full of fun loving patrons out for the fun of being part of the opening night of a new release.

Now let me go back to worrying about how Mitt Romney spends his money. I don’t need to worry about how the government is spending my money – I’m terrified about that!

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